
Imagine a world where flying is as easy as taking a bus. A world where air travel isn't just for the major cities, but for everyone, everywhere. No more congested hubs, no more wasted hours in security lines—just seamless, affordable, on-demand flights connecting thousands of destinations that the world has ignored for too long.

We are building the future of mass aviation: a network of high-frequency, low-cost, 24 seater, STOL (short take-off and landing), medium-haul aircraft that make every city, every town, and every community accessible—without compromise.

Powered by next-generation aircraft, designed ground-up for efficiency, built for affordability, and future-proofed for autonomy, we are aiming to rewrite the rules of flight.

Our aircraft will take off and land in compact "air-stops" no bigger than a parking lot—no baggage belts, no security bottlenecks—eliminating the need for complex, expensive airport infrastructure that regional air travel simply doesn't require.

No more waiting. No more detours. No more being forced to drive when you should be able to fly. This isn't the impractical supersonic future of aviation as you are made to believe. This is the real future of aviation that our communities need.

We are hiring

We are based in Delhi NCR, and are actively looking for enterprising folks to join our engineering team. Please write to us at [email protected] if you are interested in joining the mission, and want to know more.